Double Page spread - mock ups

I used stock photo's of James Dean similar to the style of photo that I would like to create in a cafe or pub, using my model.
I like the use of the 'M' here, as it incorporates the artists name, it would be slightly difficult to fit 1000 words in though. I like the large photo and the title of the artists name covering the photo.
This is possibly my favourite design as it is quite plain and simple, i like the border around the photo as well, leaving room for comments of the photo.
I like the use of the different layout here, but would be difficult to keep it looking neat with the story on both sides.

Contents - Mock Ups

I like the use of the photo here and that the writing is to the left, I also believe the use of other photos of either the photo shoot or of other possible stories inside the magazine.
I like the use of numbers bar and the other photos section used.
This is probably my favourite design as I like the wonky picture used as well as the large font used for the cover model. I also like how the contents shapes around the model

Cover - Mock ups

I like the minimalistic design used here as well as the cartoon style headphones with the scribble writing, it could be considered too empty. I will definitely consider this design when coming to my draft design as I believe it is effective.
I like the use of a lot of writing used here, but both the header and the writing itself seems to be to thin and therefore too weak for a magazine cover. If I was going to consider a design like this then I would do it using normal fonts, similar to the Robert Downey Jr Esquire cover.
This is one of my favourites in terms of shots and design, if I was to consider this design then I would need to use a better font and a better photo. But I do like the minimalistic design used with the line.

Character article - Mills

Having already had three multi platinum number 1 albums under his belt, not to mention the various Grammy and MTV nominations for this coming year alone. It comes as no surprise when we tell you that the man from 'the wrong side of the tracks' as he most delicately puts it, will be branching out further into producing as well as the promise of a fourth studio album, just for 2011.

Mills claims to have had a modest upbringing from what he likes to call a dark corner of LA, with a father that was in and out of prison on various occasions and a mother working three jobs to keep on the lights. It would of been easier for Mills, full name Patrick Oliver Millards, to have slipped beneath the system and quickly given up on life, become a cocaine dealer as many of his past school friends had. But he had his mind set on a better life right from the onset.

We speak to the man himself on his initial success as he takes us from his recording studio through the bustling streets of his new found home, New York City, to a quant little cafe, where he has been known to come to 'recover' and 'clear his mind'

New York being your new place of residence, do you not ever find that you miss your home in LA.
Well... It's easy to say i miss my 'home' and that I don't know these streets as well as LA, but to say I would want to go back, would be a lie.

There are of course some good memories about my old home, but predominantly bad memories, it wasn't the nicest of areas.

Do you not feel as though these shaped you to be the person you are today?
... I have become the person I am today through hard graft and determination, something people from where I am from would not understand.

Mills began working at Sony Records under the watchful eye of the Mr Simon Cowell 8 years ago, working as a junior copywriter. This catapulted him into the music industry, something which was non to familiar.

Do you feel as though people from LA would be offended by your comments?
I feel as though I spent 17 years of my life growing up in a neighbourhood where I had to constantly watch my back, I feel as though I owe nothing to them.

You began working at Simon Cowells record label, how did you first become interested in writing music?
I was working one night on a slogan for a new campaign for an artist, Simon had seen something I had written and felt that there was some sort of 'lyrical genius' behind it and that i had a 'natural talent' for writing verses.

And it took of from there?
The following month the campaign went global, and became an overnight success, from then I on I became a song writer.

From which point did you decide that you wanted to be an artist yourself?
After writing songs for various pop artists, I began to write songs that suited me.

And you showed these to Simon?
Oh god no... in fear of my voice I kept them to myself for over a year, I then had the minerals to finally record them, on my days off at work.

Did you feel as though you weren't vocally a strong artist?
I still do, I know theres a hundred better artists than me, and thats something I always worry about, but it's now got to the point where if people buy the music then it must mean something...

Mills' first studio album was not initially a commercial success, it later found notoriety when the single 'come back' was used as the theme song in the new Iron Man film.

Simon accepted your music straight away?
It took some time for him to appreciate the lyrics, and the fact he would lose his writer, but he came around to the idea, and signed me.

It was a bit of a rough start for you... say the least, there was of course the awkwardness when few people bought my album and I had to go into the office to talk to Simon, which I presumed would be my demise. He assured me that this can be a common occurrence, and felt as though a second album would put me on the map.

And it did, four studio albums, three of which multi platinum, what can you tell us of your new album?
Well it's still early days, the majority of the songs are written, but few have hit the production stage yet. It will hopefully sound something new, but maybe with a touch of 80's new romantics aswell as an early Jay touch.

Having been compared to the likes of RUN D.M.C and Jay-Z, Mills has brought a new era upon the hip hop genre, creating a new wave of artists following in his path.

Thank you for your time
the pleasure is mine

Test Shots


This photo works well as a possible front cover image. The way that the model is placed makes him seem as if though he is in deep thought, or sad. He is looking down with no eye contact to the camera. The camera angle makes it appear as if though we are looking down on the model, this would work well with a good caption as to say that we are in the models mind. This would work better if the image was considerably closer, more of a close up just including his shoulders rather than a mid shot.
This is one of my favourites in terms of possible cover pictures. I like the way the model is positioned so that we can see his facial expression, his hair, and what he is wearing.
this works well so that we get a idea of the concept of the front cover, but also we question the models state of mind as he is looking away from the camera. This would work better if the photo was once again a lot closer, as it would be more detailed and make for a better cover.
This is similar in concept to the first photo.
This is similar to the second photo but instead of showing the model looking straight ahead, away from the camera, he is instead leaning his head to a slight angle, giving the audience a clearer shot of his face. This would work slightly better if the model had his head straight up rather than looking down.
This is also one of my favourite photos taken as it is a clear straight on shoulder, close up. The model is looking straight into the camera which I feel works well to give the magazine a different look. We also get a better feel as to what the model is wearing, and we then get a sense of his style.
I like this photo that could be used for the contents, I am pretty set on the idea of a mid shot rather than a close up as it shows the majority of the model. I also like the idea of using an action shot as shown here as it makes it appear as though we took the picture when the character wasn't looking, which works well to give him a bit of a personality. Although I like the blurred affect seen, it may work better without it.
I like the camera angle used in this shot as it is at a slight angle, which seems to take the studio effect away slightly and give the model a less formal appearance, but still keeping it clean as he is in a studio. This may work better if the photo was taken a little further away.
This is probably my least favourite photo as too me it seems to staged as though i had been asking my model to say 'cheese' I feel as though this wouldn't work well in my style of magazine as people wouldn't be able to take it seriously, but instead believe that we are just mucking about rather than being professionals.
Although I don't like the stance that the model is in, I like the facial expression used as well as the blur, but it might work better if the model was set more to one side of the page, so that the writing is more clear.

Double Page Spread

I like the photo here as it appears to show the model in a deep thought, but also shows him outside of a studio, which gives the photo a more personal look. I have changed the saturation slightly which gives the photo a different feel altogether.

I also like this as it is similar to the first photo for my double page spread, I feel that this works better as the model is looking into the camera, which would contrast well to the cover.
I have come to the conclusion after looking after looking at various pictures in other locations, that I want to shoot my photos for my double page spread in a cafe. In similar style to the photo of James Dean in the cafe. I feel that this would work best to contrast with my front cover of my artist in a studio, to having him looking busy, as though it were taken in the interview itself.

Masthead - ideas

I have been looking at possible fonts and layouts for my mast head. One of the main fonts that I have been looking at is IMPACT, I have then edited the spacing to create the mastheads seen.
I have also looked at helvetica and compacta, but so far IMPACT seems to work best to create a bold but clean look that I am hoping to achieve.
I have also looked at possible layouts for my masthead, but as of right now I am undecided.

Controversial Magazine Covers

The New Yorker, Sept. 24, 2001: Twin Towers in Silhouette

This cover was a graphical as well as an editorial success. The magazine succeeded in creating a fitting and classic memorial to the victims of the tragedy and the buildings themselves in true upscale New Yorker fashion.

Time Magazine, April 8, 1966: Is God Dead?

This cover has been called the most controversial of all time. The related article concerned the “death of god movement” that had sprung up in the 1960′s.

Esquire, April 1968: The Passion of Ali

This smart rendition of Muhammad Ali was created to illustrate his martyrdom to his cause after he refused to join the US military due to his religious beliefs and was subsequently stripped of his heavyweight boxing title.

Final Audience decision

After initially not being sure of which audience I was aiming my magazine at, I now know. Before I was looking at examples from R&B, Rock and Indie magazines to get inspiration, and possibly choosing an audience.
I am now going to focus my magazine at a R&B, hip-hop based audience.
I wish to create a magazine similar in audience as Complex, but with a design similar to that of Esquire. I like the use of modern plain texts with one simple image. I hope to create something similar to Esquire but of at R&B music genre. I will also be taking inspirations from other music genre magazines that I have seen whilst analysing covers and contents. I will definitely use similar concepts that are seen in NME in my magazine, I like the continuity used throughout their issues that matches the mass head, and then creates a house theme for that issue.
The target audience that I would hope to reach with my magazine is an age range similar to that of Complex. Ranging from 18 years to early thirties, I believe that this would be the best audience that would be appreciate an insight into the latest trends in "Hipster" niche cultures, such as streetwear, sneaker culture, hip hop, and graphic art.

Mood Board

I used different covers and inspirations to create a mood board that will help me to decide my final design of my cover. I have taken a lot of inspiration from Kanye West, Rap and street culture. Pharrell has been featured as I like the way he dresses and would like to create something similar to past magazines he has modled for my front cover.
I have used the Kanye song POWER as I feel this represents a possible genre of magazine well, as well as being a fast paced song.